At some point, babies have to be introduced to solid foods. Natural foods would always be the best options, especially fruits and vegetables. Some people have started their little ones on sweet potatoes, bananas, and avocados. Of course, they would not be in solid form, perhaps mashed or blended into smoothies. Here, we will give tips on how to make mango puree for baby.
You would want to go for foods that are dense in nutrients over junk. Our babies are of primary importance to us, and so are their diets and health. This piece will focus on making qualitative purees from mangoes for our babies. Expert advice and step by step process on how to make mango puree for baby.
Before we proceed to the preparation process, I believe it’s important to enumerate the benefits of this amazing fruit.
1. Firstly, fresh or frozen mangos would be used. So, it’s quite easy. No cooking of any sort is required.
2. Being low in calories, the fruits are rich in varieties of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
3. The unique digestive enzymes contained in mangoes are known as amylases. They help digestion by breaking down complex food molecules into simpler forms. Our babies should immensely benefit from this effect.
4. This puree’s sweet, creamy, and smooth taste would be any baby’s delight. Most of them would love them.
How To Prepare Mango Puree For Babies
Most people will not believe how simple this process is. That it involves no cooking or any heat application is already enough good news. Here are the easy steps below.
1. First, select only the ripe and soft mango fruits if you use fresh ones.
2. If it is frozen, you will have to thaw it safely.
3. Peel the skin off the mangoes with a paring knife. Then chop it into small pieces that don’t need to be too tiny.
4. Pour them into a high-power blender. You can see why you don’t need to make the cuts too fine. Blend it continually until you get a fine smooth paste.
5. Sometimes, you may realize that the puree is too thick. Then you can add some water to it, but do it carefully and in small amounts so as not to over-dilute it.
6. Alternatively, pour some milk into the puree until you get the desired thickness. Stir the mixture to obtain a uniform paste.
7. Please use breastmilk for the step above for younger unweaned babies. Let us preserve the regular milk for the older ones. Breast milk is always the best alternative for them at that tender stage as it tremendously aids their development.
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Combining Mango Puree With Other Foods
You are going to want to spoon-feed your baby. If you add more milk or water, you can let the baby suck from a feeding bottle. However, other foods can go well with mango puree. These combinations would be quite suitable for older babies. Here is a list of foods to use in this regard.
1. Yogurt, cheese, cottage, and other dairies
2. Coconut milk
3. Pineapple
4. Smoothies(of any of bananas, avocado, strawberries, kiwis, peaches, apples)
5. Oatmeal, quinoa
6. Spinach, peas, kale, zucchini, and other green veggies
7. Vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, cauliflower
8. Chicken peas, lentils or other legumes
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Important Facts About Making Mango Puree
Some of us may have questions. So, we have taken proactive measures to satisfy some of the curiosity.
Ripe Mangoes:
You should always go for the ripe ones. There are 2 ways to tell. Firstly, the ripe ones will be soft as you squeeze them slightly. Also, mangoes issue a strong aromatic flavor from the stem when ripe.
Easy Refrigeration Of Fresh Mango Puree:
Puree made from fresh mangoes should not stay more than 3 to 4 days in a refrigerator. If you intend to keep it longer, then use a freezer. Freezer-safe jars or ice cube trays help for easy thawing in smaller quantities.
How To Strain:
Some persons might prefer to strain their puree to obtain a thinner liquid. Personally, I prefer it thicker to retain all the fibers, which are overly healthy for the body. Besides, a high-power blender will produce a smooth puree.
Using Frozen Mango:
Of course, you can; the freezer can be used to preserve them for much longer. You either thaw it by refrigerating it overnight, at room temperature, or in a microwave. Please, endeavor to follow the thawing rules in the microwave manual. After thawing, you can transfer the chunks to the blender.
Freezing Puree From Frozen Mango:
If you used frozen mangoes to make your baby’s puree, you have 2 choices. Either your baby consumes it after the blending, or you boil(simmer or steam) before storing again in the freezer. For safe consumption, you don’t defrost mangoes; blend them and keep them back in the freezer without boiling them.
Refrigerating Ripe Mango Fruits:
Fruits ripen rapidly at room temperature, especially in warm weather or climate. Hence, refrigerating them for some days can stall the ripening process while keeping them fresh. Endeavor not to keep the mangoes in the top(freezer) compartment of the freezer unless you are ready to process(thaw) them.
Blending Mango Fruits:
Your blender or food processor will typically need moisture while operating. It can’t work properly with dry contents or with minimal liquid. Thus, you may have to add some water or milk before blending. The exception is if the mango fruit yields some reasonable amount of fluid.
How To Store Mango Puree:
To preserve your baby’s puree, pour it into an airtight container and keep it in the refrigerator for 3 days. Endeavor to consume it all within this timeframe. Anything longer that would require you to use a freezer. Remember to use ice cube trays to thaw small quantities in the future easily. The puree in the freezer can last for even 90 days.
From What Age Should Babies Consume Mango Puree:
Your baby can begin taking this delicacy after they turn 5 to 6 months. They should be mature enough for semi-solid foods by then. By the experience of mothers, most babies fall in love with it. Nothing else would please your little ones more than savoring a meal that immensely nourishes their bodies.
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I guess it’s about time you introduce this pleasant reality to your babies. For those of you already on it, don’t stop. Endeavor to avoid junk and learn how to make mango puree for baby with better variety of nutrients.