How to Discipline a Teenager Who Doesn’t Care About Consequences

What could be more frustrating than living with a teen who doesn’t care about consequences? That would be a life of continuous yelling and shedding of tears. And so, in this post, we are going to look into how to discipline a teenager who doesn’t care about consequences.

The teenage stage of life is the stage of youthful exuberance, a stage when nothing matters. It is often a stage when teens do all kinds of mischievous things without caring about or rather understanding the consequences of their actions.

The painful part is that law of nature must take its place; whether they understand or care about the consequences of their actions or not, they must face it someday. Hence, it’s the duty of parents and guidance to direct these teens in the right direction and to help them understand the aftermath of their actions.

If your teenage child is all out doing things you know would mar his future and you are looking for ways to discipline him or her, this article is for you. Keep reading to get all the tips you need to make it happen.

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How to Discipline a Teenager Who Doesn’t Care About Consequences

Just before we proceed with how to discipline a teenager who doesn’t care about consequences, you must note this point: All teenagers are different; even though you have 4 kids at home, their personalities are distinct. This means that what works for a teenager won’t work for the other. Hence, you must be alert to know which of the points below to apply and when.

1. Avoid spanking or hitting

Spare the rod and spoil the child. That is a popular saying when parenting is concerned but it’s often misunderstood. This statement doesn’t say; hit the child physically whenever he errs.

It sounds weird but it’s 100% true. Spanking or hitting isn’t a solution when disciplining a child is concerned. In fact, it is the worst way of disciplining a child and it doesn’t yield lasting results.

If you adopt this pattern, your teenager will end up distancing himself from you and that is a sign that you might be losing him entirely. He will begin to fear you instead of respecting you, that’s not good, you know?

2. Initiate a heart-to-heart conversation

Here is another tips on how to discipline a teenager who doesn’t care about consequences. Teenagers love to be respected as well. When you let them see that you respect their personality, they will naturally give you all the attention you need and that’s a good start. So, Instead of spanking, initiate a heart-to-heart conversation.

Try as much as possible to talk less and listen more. Get to know his reason for doing what he did even though it doesn’t make any sense to you. That will get him more committed to the conversation. After listening, then begin to gently introduce him to the consequences of his actions. Don’t accuse or use curse words on him

3. Don’t hurt the self-esteem

While trying to make him understand the implication of his action, don’t say things that would hurt his self-esteem. The teenage stage is a very delicate one that requires utmost carefulness. Any bad word used at this stage might cause major damage. Try to focus on letting him understand the consequences of his action.

He might not accept it immediately but when maturity begins to set in, he will appreciate your effort and naturally begin to accept your instructions.

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What to do a Child Who Doesn’t Care About Consequences

In trying to understand how to discipline a teenager who doesn’t care about consequences, Children are naive and do not understand the effect of their actions. This is why they must be under their parents or guidance watch at all times as that stage it’s a pre-formative stage where principles that would stand as the foundation of the character are inculcated.

If you have a child who doesn’t care about consequences, these tips will help a lot.

1. Cultivate a healthy relationship

Oftentimes, what results in the development of bad attitudes like not caring about consequences in children is an unhealthy relationship between children and parents. If as a parent you don’t have a connection with your kids, you will find taking them through the right path very difficult.

Cultivating a rapport between you two is the first step towards making him care about consequences. A good relationship between you both will help to grow trust, love, and respect. Once a child has these three things for you, he will adhere to your advice.

2. Monitor his peers

Friends of a feather, flock together. There’s a probability that he picked this attitude from his friend. Changing his environment might not be a bad idea. If you can afford it, it’s worth 100%

3. Discuss with your child

Create time for discussion and ensure you don’t judge him. Allow him to express himself and after that, advise him immediately and most importantly, try not to use curse words.

4. Consult a psychologist

If you try your best and record no change, consult a professional psychologist. Have the psychologist enjoy a great section with your child. After the sections, there will be noticeable changes.


How to Discipline a Teenager Who Doesn’t Care About Consequences


Consequences for Disrespectful Teenager

If your teenager disrespects you or breaks the rules, don’t be too surprised. That act is predominant among teenagers but that doesn’t mean you should condone it. There are several measures you can take to make your teenage child understand that he or she crossed the line.

Here are some consequences you should be looking at but while at it, remember that the goal is making your teenage child understand that he/she crossed the line and you aren’t happy about that.

1. Additional house chores

When a teenager disrespects an elderly person, adding to the teenager’s house chores is a way to communicate to him that his actions were bad.

2. Taking away some privileges

In other to correct your teenage child who misbehaves, you should try restricting some of the privileges he enjoys. You may seize his smartphone, stop him from watching his favorite soap opera or even restrict his video gaming activities until you see noticeable changes.

3. Practice logical consequences

This kind of consequence works well. Instead of spanking, or hitting, have him mop the house whenever he errs. You can also have him wake up very early to wash your car.

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Consequences for Teenage Disrespect

1. Ignore Mild Misbehavior

This might seem weird but you shouldn’t punish your teenage child each time he or she disrespects you. You should learn how to overlook some mild attitudes your teenage child displays but ensure you don’t neglect the serious ones. That way, he or she won’t get so used to your way of doing things. It’s better to be unpredictable.

2. Limit friend time

Teenagers love to hang out with their friends. Limiting your child’s timeout with his friends will hurt him big time. He will eventually come back begging but ensure you stick to the plan. If you don’t, he will take you for granted.

3. Silence

What have you heard about silence? This works although not all the time and not for all teenagers. Before you practice this, you must have noticed how your teenage child reacts to your silence.


Best Punishment for a Teenager

The best kind of punishment to give to a teenager for misbehaving includes:

1. No work, no play rule

This rule will make the teenager do all their chores on time to be able to enjoy playing with others.

2. Clean up your mess yourselves

This entails allowing your child to fix the mistakes or rather face the consequences alone. Now, this might be difficult but don’t join up in the middle. Once you make that decision, stick to it and he will learn his lessons.

3. Removal of privileges for some time

If your teenage child is addicted to his cell phone, seizing his phone and other gadgets might be the best punishment you can make use of.


What to Do When Punishment Doesn’t Work

Punishment isn’t the right approach, it may have worked for 20th-century parents but it isn’t ideal for 21st-century parents. Instead of punishment, discipline your child and ensure you begin this early. Below are simple ways to make this happen:

1. Make Your Expectations Known

Instead of allowing your child to wallow in confusion, clearly let him know what you expect of him.. Spell out the kind of behaviour you expect from him and watch him do all he can to adhere to them..

2. Communicate in a language your child would understand

Most times, the problem lies in the way you communicate with your child. He isn’t an adult, which means that you have to break everything into tiny details.

You even need to make use of the nonverbal communication approach. It’s okay to look your child straight in the eye while communicating with him.

3. Make your child know that you genuinely love and care

Amid all these measures, you must make your child understand you love and care for him deeply. Without this, he might feel unloved and you may not be able to handle the consequences.

Teenagers should be disciplined if they don’t care about the consequences of their actions. At the same time, parents should know that the aim is not to just punish or bend them but to teach them to be responsible.