Food is perhaps one of the things we are most careful and intentional about giving our babies. Needless to say, it is crucial for their growth and development. Also, the type and nature of the food is always a cause for concern. For babies, milk (breastmilk or formula) is their main food since their digestive system can tolerate only such kind of food at that stage. It is common thing for mothers to want to warm their baby’s milk before serving them but it is also necessary to ask; is it the best health-wise? Does it matter if it is offered cold? You may also want to ask, can babies drink cold milk? The answer is yes!
Can you Give Baby Cold Milk from the Fridge?
Most times, after expressing milk and keeping it in the fridge, mothers ensure that they heat it a bit to make it warm before feeding the baby. But, do you know that nothing really stops you from giving your baby cold milk straight from the fridge?, The Centers for disease control and Prevention (CDC) says that milk can be served at room temperature or even cold. This means that you are not doing your baby any harm by offering cold milk. It is just as good as the warmed one, with no nutrient specialness. So yes, you can offer the milk straight from the fridge.
Your baby deserves some chilled nutrients just like you enjoy some of your favorite drinks too. Even though the temperature of the milk directly from the breast is usually warm, it does not matter if after placing it in the fridge for preservation, you serve it without warming it.
Perhaps what you should do whenever you want to feed your baby is to swirl the bottle. This is because the milk tends to settle into layers when cold. The fat present in the milk separates from the liquid, so you should swirl it to mix. The fat is needed, you know.
Another more important thing to note is the duration of milk storage in the fridge. Much more than serving the milk cold or warm, the quality of the milk is essential. It is recommended that milk can be stored for not more than four days in the fridge. This helps to preserve the quality and ensure it is served healthy.
Another question to ask is what baby is taking the milk? It is advisable to give premature babies warm milk, not for some special reasons, but so their bodies can tolerate it. Aside from this case of preemies, you see that cold milk is not a taboo, let your baby gulp some cold stuff too.
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Warm vs Cold Milk for Newborns? Should Babies Drink Warm or Cold Milk?
Now let’s compare. Should babies drink warm or cold milk? Babies can drink either of the two, regardless if it is warm or cold. As long as it is not hot, it is just fine.
Perhaps, the question to ask now is, which does your baby prefer? Cold or warm milk? This is because depending on your baby’s taste and preference, it may or may not accept cold milk. Therefore, you would not want to keep on giving it what it would not accept. You do not want to starve your baby, do you? Since it is safe for your baby to drink either cold or warm milk, you may want to examine the pros and cons of each of the options. If your baby is fine with cold milk, then lucky you! It makes feeding a lot easier for you. That means you can just get it from the fridge and serve it straight.
While warming milk may not look like so much work, not warming it also saves time. While traveling, all you have to do is give your baby the milk at room temperature or even cold. No need to look for warming options. Warm milk on the other hand ensures that the milk layers (including the fat layer) mix, unlike the cold one. It also gives your baby the breastfeeding temperature feel even while using a bottle. So, it’s up to you. Which does your baby prefer? Which is easier for you?
What Happens if Milk is too Cold for Newborn?
If the milk is too cold, your baby may not like it. This is only based on preference. This may be because your baby is used to warm breastmilk and would always prefer that temperature to a colder one.
Also, if the milk is cold and coming from the refrigerator, the fat layer may separate from the rest of the milk composition, not allowing for proper mix. To avoid this situation, the milk is usually warmed to liquify the oil. This makes it easier to feed the baby.
For premature babies, feeding them with cold milk may not be advisable. This is because their bodies may be sensitive to food temperature. If the milk is too cold, they may not be able to tolerate it in their body system. So, instead of giving it to them straight from the fridge and very cold, you can run it under hot water for some minutes. Only ensure that the water is not boiling or too hot so it does not burn them.
Aside from the fact that the baby may not accept the cold milk or the fat layer may not mix well, there is no nutritional downside to giving cold milk. Cold milk is as healthy as warm milk and either of the two is just fine for your baby.
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Does Cold Milk Upset Baby’s Stomach?
First, babies are different. While there is exactly no hard and fast rule to not giving babies cold milk, some babies may get stomach upset. Others may not, but it is left to mothers to be able to figure out what works for their babies.
One way to determine this is by observation. You can try giving cold milk and warm milk at different times and see if it affects the baby in any way. If your baby shows ill symptoms from cold milk and is not comfortable with it, you have no option but to change to giving warm milk. You can also notice how your baby reacts to warm milk, but if it prefers warm to cold, by all means, give warm milk.
Otherwise, if your baby is indifferent about cold milk, then you are free to offer cold milk. Also in this case, if you want your baby to be accustomed to taking cold milk, you can switch gradually. Start by giving warm milk, then a lower temperature, and then cold. While at this, ensure that you are observant of the baby’s reaction during this change.
While this is subject to your discretion, get professional advice to be sure of what to do for your baby’s best performance. Also, do not forget that milk here refers to breast milk or formula, not cow milk.
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Can Toddlers Drink Cold Milk?
Toddlers are children between ages 1 and 3. At this stage, they have grown a little more and should be able to tolerate certain food choices. If your baby has been used to taking warm milk, you can choose to introduce cold milk at this stage.
That is, if you also think it is high time you stopped warming bottles every time they need to be fed. After all, even babies less than a year old can take cold milk. So, why won’t an infant? You can transition them gradually. A warm bottle of milk today, a lower temperature tomorrow, till they begin accepting a cold one.
In fact, in infancy, they can begin to take full cream milk other than just breast milk and formula. This is because full cream milk meets the nutritional requirement needed for their growth and development. It contains the right proportion of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
Kids above two years of age can also be given full-fat milk. It helps to supply them with the energy requirement that they need at that stage. Also, in infancy, they feed more than the quantity required at less than one year old. So, whether you decide to give them warm or cold milk, the temperature is not as important as the quantity and quality.
Conclusion on: Can Babies Drink Cold Milk?
Your baby’s growth and development are determined to a large extent by what they eat. You, as the mother, need to make decisions on what is best for them. If your baby does not mind taking cold milk, then that eases the stress of warming off you. If otherwise, then you have to ensure that you go all the way out to warm the milk. When doing this, be careful of the milk being too hot so it does not burn the baby’s throat. It will also save you from burns if the milk spills over your body while feeding them. Above all, whether as babies or infants, their nutritional requirement has to be met.