Here is a widely talked about issue for nursing mothers. It gives many a cause for concern. They begin to wonder if there is something wrong or weird about their babies. There are a couple of reasons for newborn clicking sound when breastfeeding.
Some wonder if the sound means an inability to suck in sufficient milk, meaning the child is underfed. There are usually several strings of anxiety and thoughts regarding this issue. We will be carefully exploring this subject. So, why don’t you sit back and get to understand more about your baby?
Basically, we ought to know that babies make a lot of cute noises. It’s in their nature. However, the clicking sound from babies occurs because they have lost suction on the breast. This situation also happens with the feeding bottle.
While it may not be the norm, the clicking sound shouldn’t be considered a problem because it most likely isn’t.
Causes Of Clicking Sounds
Let’s take some time to understand why newborns make this noise while feeding.
1. During Engorgement
The problem may be with the mother’s breast rather than with the baby. Engorgement is when the mother’s breasts are too full, or the pressure from within has made it firmer than usual. Also, some women already have stronger and bigger tits than others.
So, in this situation, the baby finds it difficult to latch onto the breast. It keeps slipping away, causing that sound.
2. Surplus Or Fast Supply Of Milk
Sometimes, the body produces so much breastmilk when the tits are too full. During sucking, the excess pressure from within causes the milk to flow too fast, much more than the baby can process.
So, if the baby doesn’t adjust swiftly to the situation, then they will keep making that sound. You will notice that when the pressure within the breast is normalized, your baby ceases to click while sucking.
3. Teething
Here’s another reason why your newborn may be clicking. Teething is usually an excruciating process. So, they may be seeking different ways to alleviate the pain.
They may be attempting to ease the latching on the breast or bottle so as not to poke that area with the sore. When this happens, the pressure on the breast or bottle gives rise to this sound.
In another scenario where the teeth have grown, the sound may be because they just developed teeth and are yet to be accustomed to the feel of the teeth in their mouth. You have to be tolerant of them in this situation.
4. Inappropriate Posture
Whenever your baby curls or retracts their tongue, the clicking sound may arise. That movement of the tongue releases some of the suction on the breast or bottle. What causes this behavior by the tongue is when the baby’s head is too reclined, the tongue relaxes backward too.
With bad positioning, it is difficult to maintain a firm latch on the breast or bottle. You should adjust the newborn’s head. This could be one of the reasons for newborn clicking sound when breastfeeding.
5. Thrush
Thrush is a fungal disease that affects the mouth. It causes white patches to occur in the mouth and can be painful. When this occurs in the baby’s mouth, it can be in the form of discomforting sores or itches. Thus, your baby readily breaks suction as they suck.
Now, you know enough not to blame your innocent child for that concerning sound? You should seek medical help instead.
6. Infection Of The Ears
Sometimes, babies who have infections in their ears can make this sound. There will be pain in the ear due to some pressure build-up. When feeding from the breast or bottle, the sucking pressure counteracts with that of the ear, creating discomfort.
Thus, they would release some of their latch on the breast or bottle to ease the pain. Your baby would not be able to tell you about this but cry, right?
Read Also: Baby Scratching Ear – What Causes It and What To Do
7. Upper Respiratory Infection
When a baby has an upper respiratory infection, they may have one or both nostrils blocked. When feeding, they may find it difficult to breathe properly, so unlatching a bit to breathe through the mouth could be a common act.
If you are more observant, you will notice this play out. This could be one of the reasons for newborn clicking sound when breastfeeding.
8. A Tied Tongue
Whenever a baby is tongue-tied, it means that a thick tissue connects the base of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Hence, the tongue is restricted from making certain movements that are necessary for seamless breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.
The tongue will typically recline backward now and then, causing that clicking sound.
Endeavor To Observe These Sounds While Feeding
While we are on the subject of hearing clicking sounds from your baby, these are even as important. Rather than focusing on only the negativity, it’s always heartwarming to hear these sounds from your lovely baby. Whenever you hear them, you should know that all is normal and well.
1. Swallowing
It’s merely the sound of the liquid flowing down the throat of your little one. All humans exhibit this, too. Sometimes, this sound from babies may seem funny and captivating. Enjoy your moment when you hear it.
2. Gentle Sucking
You may not be able to hear this one all the time, but only in serene environments with no noise. So, it may or may not seem like the clicking sound, but it’s never as loud as it. Your baby is feeding anyway. You should be happy.
3. Inhaling And Exhaling
We are all living things, and all living organisms breathe one way or another, right? Babies breathe just like us. Usually, the breathing may be more intense while feeding because of the close distance between the baby’s nose and the breast.
So, those tiny nostrils have to produce a bit more pressure to inhale and exhale efficiently.
4. Grunting
Grunt refers to making deep sounds in the throat. Probably, your baby may be more of a foodie(one who takes food matters a bit more seriously) than other babies. It’s not a big deal. The phenomenon also exists among us adults.
Rub that little one on the head and smile, encouraging them to continue. Grunting could also be due to the excessive flow of the milk from the breast or bottle, and they may be trying to match the pace and pressure.
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When The Clicking Sound Should Be Regarded As A Problem
Ordinarily, clicking sounds ought not to be taken seriously. They are normal. Nonetheless, there are a few instances when they should be given a second thought. Here are the signs to observe, and their manifestation, along with the clicking sound, means you should take action.
1. When Your Nipples Are Sore
Breastfeeding ought not to be painful. So, something is not right when you experience soreness there. It isn’t a good sign.
2. Your Baby Gaining Weight
As long as your baby is feeding regularly, they will grow properly and keep adding weight. When they seem to have been breastfeeding continually but not adding weight, it could mean that they don’t consume enough milk even though they spend much time on the breasts.
When this happens with clicking sounds, then you should consult your doctor.
3. Dimpling Of Your Newborn’s Cheeks
When your baby’s cheeks have dimples, those points will get even more hollow during breastfeeding. When you hear the clicking sounds from a baby like this, then it’s probably true. You still have to verify for other signs before seeking help.
4. If Your Newborn Has Any Mouth Infection
You will need to carefully inspect your baby’s mouth for any infection, redness, sores, or swellings. The pain from these can cause your baby to have sporadic withdrawal from the breast or bottle to create the clicking sounds. If you find any of these conditions, do well to consult a medical expert.
5. When Your Nipple is Awkwardly Shaped After Breastfeeding
Most certainly, this shouldn’t be an acceptable sign if you keep noticing it after feeding your baby. Your nipples ought to be normal and not deformed or creased.
The first possibility is that your baby may be tongue-tied, meaning they struggle to take in the milk. Sometimes, this situation can cause bruises to your nipples, too.
Another reason for this is when the flow of milk is too much. The newborn may be using their gums or tongue to exert pressure on the nipple to control the milk outflow. So, go through each of the instances stated here and be definite about the actual cause. Furthermore, you should see a qualified doctor.
Read Also: How to Relieve Shooting Pain in Nipple Breastfeeding
Conclusion on: Reasons For Newborn Clicking Sound When Breastfeeding
This piece on babies and clicking sounds is delivered as broadly as possible. It captures all the feasible scenarios that could play out. Your role is firstly to be calm. Then, conscientiously carry out the checks on which of these instances is the case with your baby.
As stated above, there might be no cause for alarm. You may also have to seek professional help if you notice other worrisome signs, too. I wish you and your lovely baby all the best.