Jumping While Pregnant- Is It Safe?

Exercises are healthy and have wonderful effects on the body, but then there is more to answer about how safe it is jumping while pregnant. Jumping is one of the simplest forms of exercise and it is quite beneficial. People who engage in jumping exercises report faster metabolism levels, improved blood circulation, improved cardiovascular health, and many more.

But, are these benefits without risks for pregnant women? Pregnancy is a very delicate process and pregnant women have to take their health more seriously as they are at a higher risk of suffering harm due to common occurrences. This caution must be extended to exercises and so the exercises done by pregnant women must be simple exercises like walking.


Jumping While Pregnant- Is It Safe?

A lot of women ask this question about jumping while pregnant, trying to find out if it is safe to jump when pregnant. Well, we have answered all of that in this article and even more. So read to the end to uncover all there is to know about jumping during pregnancy and whether it is safe to jump when pregnant.

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Jumping While Pregnant In The First Trimester, Second Trimester, and Third Trimester

Jumping can be categorized as a strenuous exercise, especially for pregnant women. In general, it’s best to avoid hard exercises like jumping, jumping jacks, and others.

The first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester of pregnancy come with particular challenges that are unique for every woman. Women who have not been engaging in hard exercises like jumping should not try to start this routine during pregnancy. Doing this can lead to harmful and disastrous outcomes.

However, women who have been upholding such a lifestyle and did such hard exercises regularly before pregnancy can continue doing them with relative ease during pregnancy. This, however, does not cancel out the risk factor. Consult with your doctor or physician to prepare for possible cases and on how to manage to maintain the exercise routine.


Can Jumping Cause Miscarriage In Early Pregnancy?

Several factors can cause miscarriage in early pregnancy like abnormalities and jumping is not one of the causes. However, jumping could be a factor in combination with the others.

In the early phase of pregnancy, a lot of difficulties are experienced as the body is making swift shifts to accommodate the growing baby. Adding the stress of a jumping routine could make this worse. Also, there is a higher probability of getting a sprain while jumping as the muscle ligaments are loosened most especially in the pelvic region to make way for the baby. Although this change does not occur till the second and third trimesters.

Factors like trauma are physical or mental and stress can cause a miscarriage but the occurrence of this is rare. The safe side is avoiding exercises that make you uncomfortable and seeing a doctor can guide you on how to adjust to a new routine if you have a rigorous exercise routine like strength training before pregnancy.

Again, as the pregnancy progresses and the bump increases, carrying yourself becomes harder than before. An attempt at jumping can lead to a slip that can result in a fall which can trigger an abortion.

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Can Jumping While Pregnant Cause Brain Damage

There is no research to show that jumping during pregnancy can cause brain damage in the baby even though it’s risky to be jumping while pregnant. This action has been known to induce preterm labor and cause muscle damage.

Risk of Exercising During Pregnancy

Simple exercises are safe during pregnancy so long as they are done carefully and for a short period. Simple exercises are exercises with a low risk of injuries like walking and swimming. Jumping, running, and jogging can be safe too when done minimally. The goal is to avoid or reduce exercises that require a lot of body coordination as this can be stressful.


Jumping While Pregnant- Is It Safe?

Some of the risks involved with exercising during pregnancy include:

Premature Contractions

Exercising releases a couple of hormones that could trigger contractions before the due date of your pregnancy. This can be dangerous for both mother and baby.

Rise In Foetal Glucose Level

The body absorbs more glucose during exercise to keep up with the required energy output. This can affect the glucose levels of your growing baby.

Reduced Transport of Nutrients to Placenta

Exercising results in noticeable oxygen reduction and reduced transport of nutrients to the placenta. This happens because, during exercise, there is an increased need for blood to be transported to other organs due to the exercise activity.


Exercise could lead to overheating as during pregnancy, the body tries to constantly thermoregulate itself and the extra heat generated from exercise can make this a challenge.

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Very High-Risk Exercises To Avoid While Pregnant

 Some serious exercises appear simple but would cause a lot of stress to your body and your baby. Some of these exercises include:

  • Skydiving
  • Football
  • Riding a horse
  • Strenuous jumping
  • Swift motion change exercises
  • Basketball
  • Softball
  • Skipping
  • Bouncing
  • Volleyball
  • A period of strenuous exercising followed by a period of inactivity.


Factors That Raise The Risk of Exercising During Pregnancy

There are underlying disease conditions that could make simple exercises risky. Some of these conditions include:

Incompetent Cervix

This is a disease condition where the cervix starts to dilate before the pregnancy has reached its full term. Exercise hormones can make the effects of this condition worse and lead to preterm labor.

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Preeclampsia

This is a condition where a pregnant woman becomes hypertensive after pregnancy.

Bleeding from the Onset of the Second Trimester

There are cases where some women experience bleeding from their second trimester. Caution is needed in these circumstances to properly manage the situation.

Heart Disease

Pregnant women with underlying heart disease conditions should avoid strenuous exercises.

Restrictive Lung Disease

The restrictive lung disease is a condition where the lungs are unable to expand properly and take in sufficient oxygen

A History of Premature Labor

Premature labor has been linked to certain factors and exercising could trigger this. Women with a history of premature labor should avoid energy-intensive exercises.


Signs You Need To Stop Your Exercise Routine

The moment you notice any of the following signs while exercising, abandon your exercise routine and lay your complaints to your doctor.

  • Muscle weakness
  • Feeling nauseous, dizzy, and light-headed
  • Feeling chest pain
  • Prolonged intermittent contractions
  • Prolonged headaches
  • Change in the rhythm of the heartbeat
  • Sudden cold
  • Vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage from the vagina


Safety Tips For Exercising During Pregnancy

Some precautions should be taken while exercising during pregnancy to protect you and your baby from getting hurt. Safety tips for exercising during pregnancy include:

1. Do not exercise for too long at a stretch. This could lead to fainting due to exhaustion and trouble with thermoregulation.

2. Your exercise outfits should be loose, comfortable clothes that you can easily move and breathe with.

3. Ensure to wear a comfortable bra for support. This will allow you to move freely and try out different exercise positions.

4. Make sure you use leveled grounds when exercising to reduce the risk of slipping and falling.

5. Desist from partaking in strenuous exercises to avoid injury, fainting, and overheating. Also, take regular breaks often in between exercises.

6. Drink lots of water before and after exercising to help you stay hydrated and energized.

7. Keep a bottle of water close by while exercising and drink enough of it whenever you get the urge to while exercising.

8. Avoid exercises that result in sudden motion changes. Exercises should be gentle. Ensure you treat yourself with care.

9. Be gentle with yourself.

10. Pay attention to how your body responds to each exercise activity and adjust accordingly. Do more of the ones your body is comfortable with and abandon exercises that leave you feeling uncomfortable.

11. Exercise in open places or areas with low humidity and places where you can get access to fresh air.

12. Exercises should be short and simple. Do not keep exercising till you are tired.

13. Feel free to adjust and modify exercise routines to what suits you or what you are comfortable with.

14. Avoid weight lifting and strength training.

15. Discuss your exercise routine and your body’s responses with your doctor.


Benefits of Jumping While Pregnant

As much as energy-intensive exercises can be harmful to you and your baby during pregnancy, simple exercise alternatives like walking, slight jumping, swimming, and so on have a myriad of benefits. Some of the benefits of simple exercises like slight jumping while pregnant include:

1. Exercising makes you stronger. It increases muscular endurance and general agility.

2. It raises your body’s energy level. Exercises push the body to break down more glucose to match the energy output.

3. Exercising helps pregnant women check their pregnancy weight.

4. It leads to improved blood circulation.

5. Exercise helps in reducing the pain associated with digestive and gastrointestinal problems like bloating and constipation that arises in pregnancy.

6. Exercise helps in strengthening the heart and blood vessels, therefore, making the body stronger and prepared for the stress of delivery.

7. Lowers the odds of developing gestational diabetes. Multiple surveys have shown that pregnant women who exercise have lower chances of getting gestational diabetes compared with pregnant women who do not.

8. Exercise helps with pregnancy-related depression and anxiety. A lot of women develop anxiety and/or depression during pregnancy. Exercise releases endorphins, a happiness hormone that can help in calming and soothing.

9. Lowers blood pressure that usually rises in pregnancy.

10. Enhanced sleep. Pregnant women who exercise report having better sleep quality and overall sleep hygiene.

11. Exercising reduces the probability of labor and delivery complications.



Exercising during pregnancy can be beneficial or harmful depending on the approach taken. Jumping for instance can be beneficial if done lightly but harder exercises like jumping jacks are strenous and should be avoided. Exercises can make the pregnancy journey more bearable but the activities involved must be simple.