Implantation bleeding is one of the controversial and misunderstood complications in women during pregnancy.
The reaction is understandable because pregnancy is a crucial period, and every sign, symptom, or complication in a nursing mother should be taken with utmost concern.
In women, pregnancy has unique milestones which indicate the proper development of the unborn child — and some signs indicate otherwise. The sight of blood is a red flag and throws women – and everyone, into a panic.
Especially during the most delicate period of pregnancy, the sight of blood could be a negative sign. The major organs and systems of a child are formed within this period, and the rate of miscarriage is high.
One interesting fact about this bleeding is that it is an indication that a woman is pregnant.
Implantation Bleeding occurs in the early stage of pregnancy — but it is not a red flag — as it is largely believed. This article highlighted all you need to know about Implantation Bleeding in the simplest possible terms.
What is Implantation Bleeding?
Implantation bleeding is a situation that involves the passage of blood through the uterus after a period of 10 to 14 days after conception.
According to medical experts, the bleeding is due to the attachment of a fertilized egg to the linings of the uterus during pregnancy.
The bleeding occurs during the time you would normally have your menstrual circle. However, the implantation bleeding is lighter in viscosity than your regular monthly flow. Sometimes, women mistake implantation bleeding for menstrual flow and claim they experienced their menstrual period during pregnancy.
Is Implantation Bleeding Normal during Pregnancy
To directly answer this question and put the aged long speculation to bed, the answer is yes! Although every sight of blood during pregnancy raises panic, implantation bleeding is normal and should not be a cause for alarm.
The bleeding creates panic for two significant reasons — one is a miscarriage, and the other is a menstrual circle — which is usually not supposed to appear during pregnancy.
In all, it is safe to say this type of bleeding is normal during pregnancy.
Does Every Woman Experience Implantation Bleeding?
The direct answer to this question is No. Implantation bleeding does not occur during all pregnancies, and many women do not experience it.
However, you need to note that even when it occurs, many women do not notice it. The bleeding may be minimal in quantity, and thus, many women will not notice it — except it is noticeable or you are someone that pays attention to detail.
When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?
Implantation bleeding has been medically documented to occurs during the first 10 to 14 days after conception.
As you know – or should, this period is regarded as one of the most delicate periods during pregnancy.
Although it is not advised to look out for implantation bleeding during this period consciously, do not allow it to result in a panic if you see signs of blood during this period.
However, it is safe to see your medical adviser if you are unsure of the cause of your bleeding.
What Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like?
As the name rightly sounds, it looks like blood – light pink or brown. Women are used to their monthly flow, so the mention of a bloody discharge from their uterus gives them that idea.
Implantation blood is different from menstrual blood and could appear as a small light drop. Sometimes, you will only notice it after a wipe, and in cases where it is a continuous flow, it is nothing a light pad or regular pant liner cannot take care of.
At Parenting goal, we advise women to always consult a doctor as soon as they notice any changes in their bodies – especially during pregnancy.
However, we have highlighted some essential tips about implantation bleeding to enable you to identify it quickly, rather than throwing yourself into an unnecessary panic. Below are some of the peculiarities of Implantation Bleeding.
5 Ways to Identify Bleeding from Implantation
1. The Amount of Blood
One of the clues to detecting Implantation Bleeding is the amount of blood that is discharged.
The blood is nothing as heavy as what you will see during your period.
2. The Thickness of the Discharge
Bleeding from Implantation comes in little light drops as against the thickness of your menstrual flow.
Even though you are used to seeing a very light flow, bleeding from Implantation is way lighter than what you will typically experience.
3. Timing of the Discharge
Again, timing is essential. Women should do all they can to monitor the changes and activities that occur in their bodies.
Bleeding from Implantation often comes before your usual menstrual circle – it is usually early by a couple of days. This is one of the ways to detect that this is not your period.
4. Duration of the Blood Flow
This also goes to answer the question of how long it lasts. As with virtually everything that concerns women, bleeding from Implantation differs from woman to woman – depending on their body metabolism.
However, the duration of the bleeding is shorter than what you would ordinarily experience when you are in your period. Experts say the maximum length of the bleeding is three days.
5. The Color of the Discharge
No matter her age or experience as a mother, every woman knows the color of her monthly circle. This is one of the ways to identify implantation bleeding.
It is usually of a different color from your regular monthly flow and could be either dark brown or pinkish in colour.
How common is Heavy Implantation Bleeding?
Bleeding from implantation is heavy only in rare cases. Usually, it is a light discharge that requires only a pant liner.
Most people use pant liners instead of a tampon because it is very light and only lasts a few days.
Is Late Implantation Bleeding in Women Common?
It varies. When asked this question, renowned women and children’s health practitioner Dr. Sherry Ross said late bleeding from implantation occurs in about 25 percent of pregnancies.
So, it is fair to say that it is relatively common. Keep in mind that this is the first sign of pregnancy in many women.
Does Heavy Implantation Bleeding Mean Twins?
There is a pool of information out there when it comes to conception and pregnancy, and expecting mothers must be careful what they let sink.
Women must note that there is no medical evidence that proves that bleeding from implantation signifies that the nursing mother is pregnant with twin babies.
There are many peculiarities in pregnancies, and many women had reported that they experienced this type of bleeding when they were pregnant with twin babies.
On the other hand, there are also some who have experienced the bleeding but went ahead to give birth to one baby.
So, the answer is no. There is no medical evidence available today to support the notion that bleeding from implantation is a sign that the mother is pregnant with twins.
Is Implantation Bleeding a Miscarriage Sign?
No. Bleeding from Implantation is not in any way a sign of miscarriage. When you experience this type of bleeding, put your heart to rest because you are safe and your baby is safe also.
And again, like we mentioned earlier, the sight of blood during pregnancy leads to panic. But, more often than not, bleeding from implantation should not raise any alarms.
Do Implantation Bleeding Include Clots?
Firstly, what are blood clots? A blood clot occurs when your blood coagulates or thickens into a gel-like state to serve as a seal over the vent through which the blood is discharged. This happens in our systems to prevent us from losing more blood than we already have.
Unlike what we experience with our periods, bleeding from implantation is very light and doesn’t last long. The blood is not even enough to form a clot. So, the answer is no! Bleeding from implantation does not include clots.
If you experience a discharge that includes clots, you should seek medical advice.
Other Symptoms of Implantation Bleeding
Conception and pregnancy come with many symptoms that may seem strange – especially for first-time mothers.
Since implantation bleeding is a sign of pregnancy, women will experience some symptoms before the discharge.
Below I have highlight four symptoms that should prove that what you are experiencing is bleeding from implantation.
Note: It is possible that you also experience these symptoms during your menstrual circle.
4 Symptoms of Implantation Bleeding
1. Slight Headaches
It is a regular occurrence to experience a slight headache before or during implantation bleeding. This is as a result of the changes going on in your body. There is no need for alarm.
2. Mood Swings
It is not news that mood swings are common with women during conception. The same goes for Implantation bleeding. You may experience mood swings because some of your hormones are being awakened.
3. Slight Cramping
When it comes to activities in the uterus or involving your eggs, it is normal to feel slight cramps. Your body will experience significant changes in the coming months, so it is getting prepared.
4. Back Pain
This is similar to the cramping you may experience. One sign of Implantation Bleeding is a sensation around your lower back. This is because of the changes going on down below!
Is It Okay to Use Tampons During Implantation Bleeding?
Bleeding from Implantation does not need a tampon because you will not experience a heavy flow. So, it is safer to use a simple pant liner.
If the bleeding is overwhelming and more than what a pant liner should handle, it is not caused by implantation.
Besides, it is not advisable to use a tampon during pregnancy as it could introduce harmful bacteria, which will harm the forming newborn.
Only use a tampon when you are 100 percent sure that you are not pregnant.