The question ‘can Blueberries make your baby’s poop black’ is what a lot of mothers who like Blueberry ask often as they would want to introduce it to their baby. It’s somewhat frightening to see your baby’s poop change from its normal color to blue or any other color. This is different from the normal meconium released by your baby a few days after delivery.
If you have introduced solid food to your baby, and you notice changes in the colour of your baby’s poop, it could be a result of the food he eats, and you have to know this. Meanwhile, on this page, we are going to discuss blueberries and baby’s black poop, and then answer more specifically the question ‘can blueberries make your baby’s poop black?
There are lots of foods that can change the colour of your baby’s poop, and among them is blueberry. Blueberries are among the major foods that can change your baby’s poop. Blueberries change your baby’s poop from the normal yellowish colour to black or dark blue and it’s normal especially if he consumed a lot of them.
Apart from the colour change, blueberries can make your baby release larger poop than normal. This is a sign that he didn’t digest the blueberries properly. You may even see the undigested ones in his diaper. This is why you must not give him whole blueberries. There are lots of ways to prepare it for easy digestion.
Can My Baby Eat Blueberries?
Blueberries aren’t harmful, both adults and babies can take them. The only difference is that babies aren’t allowed to take the whole as their digestive system isn’t mature enough and also to avoid choking. Blueberries contain lots of health benefits and pediatricians highly recommend them for babies.
For babies under one year, it’s advised you mash the blueberries and for those above one year, you can slice their blueberries. Even though they have grown teeth, there’s still a chance that they might still choke. Not just blueberries, you should slice other fruits for easy consumption.
For those babies under one year, you can blend blueberries and sieve away the chaff. Pour into their bottle and allow them to drink but ensure you are beside them in case of any emergency.
Also Read: What to Do When Baby’s Poop Is Foamy
Can You Give Baby Whole Blueberries?
As said earlier, it’s not allowed for the sake of your baby’s health. Blueberries easily stick to your babies’ throats causing them to choke.
Pediatricians recommend that you give your baby a whole blueberry when he is up to 4 years old. At that age, he has grown strong teeth that can grind them adequately before swallowing.
You can follow the recipes listed below to give your baby blueberries without worrying about choking. The recipes below aren’t the only ones available. You can adopt any method, just ensure your baby does not take a full blueberry.
How to Safely Give baby Blueberries?
The recipe below is for babies under one year. If your baby is from 6 months to one, follow these procedures to feed him blueberries. If he is above one, you can slice it into two.
1. Cut blueberries into tiny pieces
Instead of giving a whole blueberry to your baby under one year or slicing it into half, consider slicing it into more than two pieces. That way, your baby won’t have difficulty chewing and swallowing it.
You can adopt this style for other fruits like peas, and sweetcorn. With this method, you will have less to worry about.
2. Blend blueberries
This is the best method so far. Your baby will get all the nutrient blueberry has and still not get choked. Get the blueberries, wash them with clean water, and transfer them into an already-washed blender. Blend until it becomes paste-like.
Sieve the paste-like blueberries to do away with the chaff and extract the liquid. Pour the juice into a sterilized baby’s feeding bottle and give the bottle to your baby to drink.
3. Squash them up
If you don’t want to either slice or blend, you can easily crush them using either the back of your spoon or fork. This is another easy way for your baby to enjoy blueberries without standing the risk of being choked.
It’s important you remember that you aren’t allowed to let your baby eat without supervision. If you aren’t free, you can delegate the task to another person; whether a hired caregiver or a family member.
Avoid feeding your baby either blueberries or any kind of food while he’s on a stroller, sitting in a car seat, and while he is lying down. Make sure that your baby is sitting upright while eating, it reduces the chances of getting choked.
Also Read: Baby Eats Poop? Here is What to Do
How Many Blueberries Can a Baby Eat?
Year-old and 6 months old babies are allowed to take just half a cup of blended blueberries. This is because regardless of the many benefit of blueberries, they can cause allergy when taken in excess.
When consumed in high quantities, blueberries cause babies to have diarrhea. This doesn’t only happen to babies, adults also experience this. To avoid this, stick with the recommended portion.
Are Blueberries Good for Constipation in Babies?
Blueberries contain fiber that helps bowel movement. Taking an adequate quantity of blueberries in a day helps the body system to keep running the way it should.
It works so well in babies. Feed your baby blueberry if you notice he is having difficulty defecating. It will soften the stool and your baby will be free in a few minutes. If constipation stays longer than one day without signs of resolving, consult a pediatrician.
Benefits Of Blueberries for Babies?
Another name for blueberry is “Superfood”. This is because it has lots of health benefits for both adults and babies. It is one of the fruits that babies can eat freely.
1. Blueberries help babies’ bones get stronger
Blueberries contain vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. These are good for babies’ bone development. Vitamin K and calcium help in the synthesis of osteocalcin.
2. Improves Cardiovascular Health
Blueberries contain fiber and polyphenols that protect the Cardiovascular system. They play that role so well that they are referred to as Cardio-protective nutrients. Your baby will gain a lot from consuming blueberries. Instead of feeding him sugar-coated pastries, blueberry is a better option.
3. Blueberries help blood flow
Vitamin K is one of the valuable content of blueberries and it helps to regulate blood circulation in the body, especially in babies. It gets rid of anything that will obstruct the flow of blood.
Blueberries also control how fast blood flows in the body system. Potassium which is a component of blueberry ensures that blood flows at a normal rate; preventing high and low blood pressure.
4. Blueberries fight cancer
Cancer is among random life-threatening diseases. It doesn’t only affect adults, babies and toddlers aren’t left out. You can prevent cancer from happening by feeding your baby a recommended quantity of blueberries every day. Blueberry is an antioxidant, it fights cancer thoroughly.
5. Blueberries get rid of free radicals
Free radicals are molecules with incomplete electrons. They move around looking for molecules to merge with and this could lead to serious problems in the body. Blueberries help to get rid of these free radicals in the body; both in adults and babies.
6. Blueberries help with eyesight
Your baby’s eyesight is important, he needs all the help he can get at this stage. Blueberries can help improve it because of the rich minerals and anthocyanin it contains. Replace your baby’s made snacks with naturals like blueberries.
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Blueberries Allergy in Babies
Blueberries have lots of benefits but they also have some negative sides which do not often occur. Allergy is one of them. If you notice any unusual changes on your baby’s skin after taking blueberries, consult your doctor.
The allergy is often due to the presence of compounds called salicylates in blueberries. These compounds come with allergy signs such as hives and nasal congestion. If after examination, it is revealed that your baby is allergic to blueberries, keep them away from him as well as other foods made with them.
Other signs that you can look out for include swollen lips, swelling in the eyelids, redness, and itchiness in the eyes. You can also look out for stomach upset and skin rashes.
FAQ: Are Blueberries a Choking Hazard for Babies?
Yes, it is.
Due to its size, it chokes babies easily as well as other fruits like blueberries. This often occurs among babies and toddlers from 6 months to 3 years. Hence, it is advised that you either slice the fruit for your toddler or follow other recipes listed above.
Even after preparing it according to the recipes, you must ensure that you are with him while he enjoys the fruit. Ensure he isn’t lying down while eating or even sitting on a stroller. He should sit upright, that way, he won’t easily choke.
Once he gets to 4 years, he can eat a whole blueberry without supervision because, at that age, his digestive tract has developed to a great extent. Blueberries might become his best fruit when he gets to this stage, you will only have to deal with his black poop.
If you are going to be feeding your baby blueberries, get ready to deal with his black poop. Blueberries are among the fruits that have such an effect on a baby’s poop. If your baby is below one year, there’s a chance you might find blueberries in his poop due to his inability to chew.
This is why it’s advised that you blend it. Also, be on the lookout for reaction and allergy signs. If you see any, stop feeding him blueberries and consult a Pediatrician.